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Forged Steel Rings
By: admin September 14, 2023

How Forged Steel Rings Are Manufactured

Forging Steel Rings

The process of forging involves shaping materials by compressing them into specific forms. It relies on the use of various materials and temperatures, as different metals require either hot, warm, or cold temperatures for the forging procedure.

The manufacturing of steel rings involves a technique called forging, wherein metal is shaped while in a molten state and shaping the material by compressing them into specific forms. It relies on the use of various metals and temperatures, as different materials require either hot, warm, or cold temperatures for the forging procedure.

Following the initial shaping, the metal is then pierced in the center using a punch. A shear punch is utilized to remove the punched portion, resulting in the creation of a hole. At this stage, the metal is now preformed and prepared to be ring rolled.

The preformed metal is placed onto an ID roll, which applies pressure to squeeze it. This causes the metal to become thinner and expands its diameter. The resulting steel ring must undergo several testing methods.

Forged Steel Rings are the Most Common

Forged steel rings are commonly seen in machinery, equipment, vehicles, pipes, valves, and various hardware. They are widely utilized in vehicles and heavy machinery due to their exceptional durability and ease of replacement and acquisition. Prominent areas where forged steel rings can be found encompass torsion bars, steering arms, power trains, and kingpins.

Distinguished by their superior strength and longevity, forged rings outperform their counterparts produced through alternative manufacturing processes. A diverse range of materials can be employed to create forged rings, including carbon steel, alloy steel, stainless steel, Inconel, and titanium.

Contact US

Western of Texas Forged and Flange is a custom forged rings manufacturer, serving clients nationwide. Contact our team today at (877) 246-2429 or email sales@westernoftexas.com for more information.

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